Sunday, March 03, 2013

The Cowboys are one step closer to being done

Progress update for the day. I managed quite a few new words. But there is still a lot left to do to wrap up the Cowboys Don't Sing Story. This is the sequel to the Cowboy's Don't Dance. While the heroine in that book was a professional dance teacher, this heroine is a country western singer.

There are a few parallels but this is a completely new direction for me in this series. The wolves and the paranormal stuff is going on the background and the cowboys don't know that the wolves aren't ordinary wolves. This is purely a contemporary western romance book with two men, and one woman.

It started out at 40,000 words this morning and ended at 45,000 words this evening. It's coming along nicely, and I'm hoping to get this book done in the next week in the roughdraft form. It will probably take me another week to self edit it before I can let anyone see it, even my beta readers, but it should be a good book.

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