Thursday, February 09, 2012

Drama and Drinking just don't mix...Sex On the Beach

I personally don't drink much or often but when I do, I've noticed it only intensifies my feelings. If I was happy, I only get happier. If I was depressed, all those melancholy emotions get worse and if I was horny--well you get the picture.

I used this as a ploy to get the drama level to an all time high in Sex on the Beach. Harry was drinking beers by the case and feeling sorry for himself while Sally was drinking with her soon to be mother in law wishing her soon to be husband would grow up and get over his dead wife sleeping with his brother. She wasn't about to do that so why should he care if Gerald showed up to his wedding?

Of course, she never expected to pass out or for Gerry to be nice enough to carry her to his bed. Or for Harry to come looking for her.

Somehow the drama gets to an all time fever high pitch and this is partly because things have been intensified by everyone drinking.

You'll have to read the book to find out why Sally wants a second wedding that she can actually be proud of the pictures. Sex on the Beach is coming out from Whispers Publishing on February 10th.
Whispers Publishing Online Bookstore

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