Sunday, February 15, 2009

Was it good for you?

For those of you with a dirty mind I was talking about your Valentine's Day! Ours was pretty low key. We didn't spend much money since things are tight here. Jobs are scarce and pockets are empty, but by no means did that mean that we couldn't have fun. Instead, we sat down with the kids and made paper Valentine cards, cooked strawberry shortcake, and made heart shaped pancakes. It was fun but I am surprised at my daughter's attention span being so short. She is quickly bored lately and was off wanting to do the next thing before I finished cleaning up. Hubby and I celebrated later that night with a nice dinner, and a movie. Life can be simple and still be enjoyed.

On a side note, Ravenous Romance has set up a new yahoo group you may want to join.

For those of you who don't remember, I have a new ebook coming out through them called Sex and the Single Shoe. You'll hear more about it in the future.

Yeah, I know I've been missing in action for the last couple months but I am going to try to take a few minutes to write a little bit a couple times a week. We'll see how that goes with my other time constraints. Deadlines are a lot of work to keep up with and I have too many to count.

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